How to prepare a successful master's or doctoral thesis in France : guide for international students - Yves-Frédéric Livian

How to prepare a successful master's or doctoral thesis in France : guide for international students

Yves-Frédéric Livian , Robert Laurini

Campus ouvert | juin 2019
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

In France, you are now permitted to write a Master or PhD dissertation in English.

For international students, preparing a thesis requires many new skills and adapting to the French academic context. This practical guide, based on long experience of teaching and accompanying international students at the CPU-Lyon - a non-for-profit association devoted to helping 650 students per year of 70 nationalises -, aims to answer the main questions they ask : what exactly is expected when we talk about « Research »? According to what criteria are they going to be evaluated? How do you find relevant documents, choose a methodology, validate, write and, present a defense? What plan should I adopt? Which timetable should I follow to finish in time ?

This guide is supplemented by self-study questions and useful annexes including a summary of the regulatory texts defining French masters and doctorates, specialized vocabulary, current abbreviations, and a bibliography to take you further.


Un guide recensant toutes les informations nécessaires à la réalisation d'un mémoire ou d'une thèse d'université : méthodologie de la recherche, conseils de rédaction ou encore déroulement de la soutenance. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
6 juin 2019
Cursus universitaire
Nombre de pages
126 pages
24.0 cm x 16.0 cm x 0.7 cm
239 g