Jay DeFeo : the ripple effect

Jay DeFeo : the ripple effect

Les presses du réel | juin 2018
21.85 €
-5% pour les titulaires de la carte avec le retrait en librairie
Paris VIᵉ, Paris VIIIᵉ, Paris XVIIᵉ, Paris Vᵉ
Versailles, Lyon 2ᵉ, Lyon 6ᵉ...
Voir les disponibilités en librairie
23.00 €
Disponibilité en ligne
Expédié entre 9 et 15 jours

Ce que dit l'éditeur

The title The Ripple Effect, pairing Jay DeFeo with a cast of other artists, conveys the sense of a wave carrying a solo exhibit into a larger group, one artist reverberating with many.

Jay DeFeo is the artist from San Francisco who created The Rose. The focus of this exhibition is on the works that followed, as she closely examined materials and reformulated compositional approaches with everyday objects as models : turning the ordinariness of a box of tissues, a photographer's tripod, a cabbage leaf, or a dark hole into motifs generating mysterious and transcendent echoes within her works and beyond.

The « ripple effect » manifests in the work of the ten artists in this dialogue with DeFeo not as comments, but as parallels ; not through compassion, but through ornery confrontation-a conversation of contrasts and inspiration.


Une présentation de l'oeuvre de l'artiste californienne associée aux contributions de onze artistes contemporains internationaux parmi lesquels Sam Falls, Rachel Harrison, Wyatt Kahn, Gay Outlaw ou encore Tobias Pils. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
28 juin 2018
Beaux livres
Seungduk Kim (Organisateur d’une exposition), Franck Gautherot (Organisateur d’une exposition), David Pagel (Préfacier)
Nombre de pages
151 pages
27.0 cm x 20.0 cm x 1.5 cm
697 g