The Congo basin : world without it, world without life - Michel Innocent Peya

The Congo basin : world without it, world without life

Michel Innocent Peya

L'Harmattan | janvier 2022
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

This book is dedicated to the Congo Basin. It has the particularity of imagining the portrait of a universe devoid of the world's second largest lung after the Amazon, made up of forests, water, peat bogs, large carbon reserves and a rich biodiversity.

In this creative work, the ideal that the author describes first presents the natural assets that the Congo Basin abounds, necessary for the survival of the planet.

However, these treasures are threatened by, on the one hand, the mercantile interests of mafia networks eager to enrich themselves and, on the other hand, by the mismanagement of institutions and powers, which cause areas of uncertainty that are beyond the control of the indigenous endogenous powers.

It is by observing these abuses that Michel Innocent Peya sounds the alarm on the risk of global climate genocide if the Congo Basin were to degrade or disappear.

Certain isolated individuals in the sub-region, mafia networks and a few local actors constitute so many actors of illicit exploitation which risk, if we are not careful, to create a natural disaster with disastrous consequences on a global scale, whose trigger is the imbalance of the Congo Basin ecosystem.

This apocalyptic tragedy has however been fought hard for decades by the efforts of some great defenders of the planet, such as President Denis Sassou Nguesso.

On the front line, the President of the Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou Nguesso, who has always worked hard and has never been discouraged, has for decades undertaken an eco-climate-environmental political trajectory in the service of humanity, and has thus raised the hope of preventing a genocide that threatens the entire planet. This is why, by putting the Congo Basin at the center of a strategy of world outreach, this worthy son of Africa contributes to the development of green agriculture and industry in the Congo Basin, in order to guarantee its perpetual maintenance.

There is no better merit, recognition, encouragement that we can offer to a man who devotes himself body and soul for the good, the survival and the preservation of collective interests. This is the mission, this is the commitment that President Denis Sassou Nguesso has given himself in order to leave to the present and future generations a peaceful life on Earth.

Could we imagine a world without the Congo Basin tomorrow ? Our collective conscience is strongly challenged.


Une étude consacrée au bassin du Congo qui regorge de forêts, de tourbières, de réserves de carbone et d'une riche biodiversité. Cet espace est menacé par les réseaux mafieux et la gestion désastreuse des institutions. L'auteur alerte sur sa dégradation et promeut la politique environnementale menée par le président de la République du Congo Denis Sassou-Nguesso. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
14 janvier 2022
Nombre de pages
196 pages
22.0 cm x 14.0 cm x 1.1 cm
245 g