In the flow : working in chemical and nuclear plants - Gwenaële Rot

In the flow : working in chemical and nuclear plants

Gwenaële Rot , François Vatin

Presses des Mines | mars 2021
27.55 €
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Paris VIᵉ, Paris VIIIᵉ, Paris XVIIᵉ, Paris Vᵉ
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Expédié sous 72 h
Existe aussi en version numérique : pdf

Ce que dit l'éditeur

This volume takes a close look at monitoring activities in chemical and nuclear industrial processes.

The authors document the day-to-day work in these sectors, asking simple questions : What are workers actually doing in a highly automated plant ? How do they ensure that production is continuous and that the plant is safe ? How do they combine their work on the facility itself and their remote work in the control room ? How is the work of employees organized, given that their tasks cannot be consistently determined in advance ?

The analysis shatters the image of labor as physical toil or as a social constraint As such, this detailed study of these industrial configurations gives us tools to question the changes underfoot in our work environments, far beyond nuclear and chemical plants.

This book is written in clear, direct language, and includes numerous concrete examples and verbatim quotes from the authors' fieldwork. It is intended for social science and engineering students, as well as for professionals who are confronted on a daily basis with these new ways of organizing production.


Abordant le travail par l'étude concrète des activités productives dans le secteur chimique et nucléaire, les auteurs se demandent ce que font les hommes dans un contexte productif très automatisé, comment ils assurent la continuité du flux productif et la sécurité des installations. L'étude permet d'interroger les transformations contemporaines du travail au-delà du cas de ces secteurs. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
11 mars 2021
Sciences sociales
Sociologie et anthropologie
Annelies Frieberger (Traducteur), Caitlin Gordon-Walker (Traducteur)
Nombre de pages
130 pages
24.0 cm x 16.0 cm x 1.0 cm
232 g