Handbook for somatosensory rehabilitation
Claude J. Spicher
Versailles, Lyon 2ᵉ, Lyon 6ᵉ...
Ce que dit l'éditeurThis Handbook for Somatosensory Rehabilitation is dedicated to all patients whose pain is unspoken of, places itself at the crossroads of medicine, fundamental research and rehabilitation. It is intended for physicians, neuroscientists, therapists in all disciplines as well as the patients they care for. This work presents clinical tools developed starting from the 19th century until today. Four of these tools make it possible to establish a Diagnostic Testing of Axonal Lesions, which in turn reveal undetectable lesions in the cutaneous axons of the whole body. These various clinical tools enable the decrease of the Perception Pressure Threshold and simulaneously the relieving of neuropathic pain syndrome or complex regional pain syndrome. In 2004, Claude Spicher founded the Somatosensory Rehabilitation Centre in Clinique de Fribourg (member of the Genolier Swiss Medical Network). He is a scientific collaborator for the Unit of Physiology (Prof. EM Rouiller) at the University of Fribourg as well as the editor of the e-News for somatosensory Rehabilitation. He holds a license in Occupational Therapy from the Institute for Social and Pedagogic Studies in Lausanne. He is a certified Hand Therapist of the Swiss Society for Hand Therapy. He has participated in many events in Switzerland, France and Belgium and has published articles in several internationally renowned publications. |
RésuméLa plupart des traumatismes altèrent les nerfs de la peau qui gouvernent notre toucher. Ceci peut alors générer des complications douloureuses qui rendent une partie de la peau trop sensible. Cet ouvrage présente les outils cliniques mis au point qui permettent d'établir un diagnostic de lésions axonales ainsi que l'évaluation et la rééducation des troubles de la sensibilité cutanée. ©Electre 2025 |
Caractéristiques EAN
Nombre de pages
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