The state of the Union : Schuman report on Europe 2018 - Fondation Robert Schuman

The state of the Union : Schuman report on Europe 2018

Fondation Robert Schuman

Editions Marie B | avril 2018
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Schuman report on Europe

State of the union 2018

Europeans are facing major challenges. From the risk of populist contagion and Brexit at internal level, to migratory issues and the questioning of their values, as well as their interests, from the external points of view, Europeans must find their place in a world in which only Union will bring strength. These challenges imply the Europeans' ability to stand as one against the turmoil they face. In a situation like this how should their expectations be met, notably in terms of security as well as economic and social protection ?

In his speech at the Sorbonne French President Emmanuel Macron, put forward a new European policy. He wants to turn European integration into a tool for sovereignty, both from the economic and geopolitical points of view, with the aim of giving Europeans total freedom and a true feeling of pride. Undeniably, France is back in Europe.

European integration has freed the States and people of Europe of their permanent power struggles ; it now has to protect them from external constraints. The question is now to know how this should be achieved.

This is the question at the heart of the 9th Schuman Report. The most respected personalities, as well as the best experts have chosen to express their opinion in this publication : Gérard Larcher, Mikulá(...) Dzurinda, 5 Members of European Parliament, Jean-Claude Piris, Joachim Bitterlich...

Exclusive interview : Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, provides us with his view and analysis of the challenges facing Europe.

This publication also offers readers :

  • A summary of political Europe, an analysis of the electoral power relations within the Member States and new divisions in Europe ;
  • More than 30 original maps to explain the issues faced by the Union ;
  • A unique series of commented statistics on all major European themes of the moment.

The Schuman Report 2018 on the State of the Union offers a complete panorama of the European Union.


Douzième rapport de la Fondation présentant un bilan de la situation politique, économique et financière de l'Union européenne. Les questions de l'Europe face aux déséquilibres mondiaux, de la stratégie face à la crise et de l'Europe politique sont notamment abordées. Des statistiques économiques et sociales ainsi que des cartes complètent cette étude. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
14 avril 2018
Lignes de repères
Thierry Chopin (Directeur de publication), Michel Foucher (Directeur de publication), Jean-Dominique Giuliani (Préfacier), Mikulas Dzurinda (Préfacier)
Nombre de pages
323 pages
24.0 cm x 17.0 cm x 2.6 cm
900 g