Journey to the end of the species. Vol. 1. Guide to singular metamorphoses - Thierry Bardini

Journey to the end of the species. Vol. 1. Guide to singular metamorphoses

Thierry Bardini , Dominique Lestel

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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Thierry Bardini & Dominique Lestel elaborate together since the dawn of the new Millennium a positive and creative conception of the posthuman phenomenon. Lestel has been thinking for the last twenty years about the man-animal-machine hybrid communities and Bardini has been working during the same period on a history of contemporary cyberculture, in its informatics as well as in its biological becomings. Bardini is the author of Bootstrapping (Stanford University Press, 2000) and Junkware (University of Minnesota Press, 2010) and Lestel is the author of Les origines animales de la culture (Flammarion, 2001), L'animal singulier (Seuil, 2004) et L'animal est l'avenir de l'homme (Fayard, 2010).

After the Singularity, Homo sapiens is but a by default state. Whoever and whatever can should lose him, her or itself in the posthuman. For help, a manual of ambiguous status full of elliptic words, plagued with out of sync images. Thierry Bardini and Dominique Lestel propose here the deciphering of an ASCII and JPEG copy of the Guide to Singular Metamorphoses, eaten by mushrooms, and found in a 1973 Oldsmobile lost in a wood at the fringes of Québec. Herein, an unidentified intelligence comments fragments of the history of the posthuman, in a combat and training anthology that starts at the Renaissance, or maybe before. In their introduction, Bardini et Lestel warn the readers : « We became human by accident, we will cease to be so by defiance. »


Cet ouvrage réunit deux chercheurs qui ont mis en images et en perspective Le guide des métamorphoses singulières, texte significatif de ce qui est nommé aujourd'hui le post-humanisme. L'objectif de cette publication est de poser les bases d'un espace de ressources littéraires, philosophiques, artistiques et politiques pour théoriser une suite à l'Homo sapiens. ©Electre 2024


Thierry Bardini (Auteur), Dominique Lestel (Auteur)
Date de parution
23 novembre 2010
Beaux livres
Valérie Cools (Traducteur), Catherine Petit (Traducteur), Paul Buck (Traducteur)
Nombre de pages
127 pages
26.0 cm x 20.0 cm x 1.0 cm
456 g