The sense of time lies in its memory : selected works by Pierre Lallemand

The sense of time lies in its memory : selected works by Pierre Lallemand

Marot | avril 2015
74.10 €
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Paris VIᵉ, Paris VIIIᵉ, Paris XVIIᵉ, Paris Vᵉ
Versailles, Lyon 2ᵉ, Lyon 6ᵉ...
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

For thirty years, Pierre Lallemand has put his imprint on the world of architecture and design. Like the great figures of the Renaissance, Lallemand approaches a plethora of disciplines with equal success, managing to meet the perpetually evolving needs of today's society.

Pierre Lallemand's work is driven by enjoyment alone, the amazement of the child as he discovers the world around him. When he draws, Lallemand recaptures the unadulterated pleasure of a three-year-old child - age when the child pulls away from its mother - persistently sketching series of boats, cars or houses on paper. Focusing on his task, he seeks to understand how the world works and the many elements filling it or still, going off into new universes and unchartered territories.

The sense of time lies in its memory reflects Pierre Lallemand's boundless creativity, giving unprecedented insight into the universe of a multidisciplinary artist. Embracing architecture, sculpture, painting and the many facets of design with equal ease and mastery, Lallemand's capacity for diversification and reinvention stems from his attitude to reality and creative approach to all things. Always eager to understand, improve and invent new production techniques and methods, Pierre Lallemand proves that a free mind can liberate itself from habits, conventions and established practices to invent something truly new, every day.

The sense of time lies in its memory contains a foreword by Pierre Loze, the author of several books on art history, and an essay by Raymund Ryan, Curator of the Heinz Architectural Center at the Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh.


Présentation d'oeuvres de Pierre Lallemand qui s'est illustré dans les domaines de l'architecture, de l'architecture navale, de la sculpture et du design. Photographies, dessins et quelques essais témoignent d'une créativité ouverte sur le monde et la société d'aujourd'hui. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
13 avril 2015
Architecture, urbanisme
Raymund Ryan (Auteur du texte), Pierre Loze (Préfacier), Paula Cook (Traducteur)
Nombre de pages
351 pages
34.0 cm x 25.0 cm x 4.2 cm
2660 g