The global city : on the streets of Renaissance Lisbon

The global city : on the streets of Renaissance Lisbon

Paul Holberton publishing | janvier 2016
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Recently identified by the editors as the Rua Nova dos Mercadores, the principal commercial and financial Street in Renaissance Lisbon, two sixteenth-century paintings, acquired by Dante Gabriel Rossetti in 1866, form the starting point for this portrait of a global city in the early modern period. Focusing on unpublished objects, and incorporating newly discovered documents and inventories that allow novel interprétations of the Rua Nova and the goods for sale on it, these essays offer a compelling and original study of a metropolis whose reach once spanned four continents.

The Rua Nova views, painted by an anonymous Flemish artist, portray an everyday scene on a recognisable street, with a diverse global population. This thoroughfare was the meeting point of all kinds of people, from rich to poor, slave to knight, indigenous Portuguese to Jews and diasporic black Africans.

The volume highlights the unique status of Lisbon as an entrepôt for curiosities, luxury goods and wild animais. As the Portuguese trading empire of the fifteenth and sixteenth century expanded sea-routes and networks from West Africa to India and the Far East, non-European cargoes were brought back to Renaissance Lisbon. Many rarities were earmarked for the Portuguese court, but simultaneously exclusive items were readily available for sale on the Rua Nova, the Lisbon équivalent of Bond Street or Fifth Avenue. Specialized shops offered West African and Ceylonese ivories, raffia and Asian textiles, rock crystals, Ming porcelain, Chinese and Ryukyuan lacquerware, jewellery, precious stones, naturalia and exotic animal byproducts. Lisbon was also a hub of distribution for overseas goods to other courts and cities in Europe. The cross-cultural and artistic influences between Lisbon and Portuguese Africa and Asia at this date will be re-assessed here.


Deux peintures flamandes anonymes représentant la Rua Nova dos Mercadores, à Lisbonne, entre la fin du XVIe et le début du XVIIe siècle, servent de point de départ à la description de la capitale portugaise à la Renaissance. La vie commerçante et les produits du monde entier qui y étaient échangés (porcelaine chinoise, ivoires de Ceylan, animaux exotiques, etc.) sont présentés. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
18 janvier 2016
Histoire de l'Europe
Annemarie Jordan Gschwend (Editeur scientifique (ou intellectuel)), Kate J. P. Lowe (Editeur scientifique (ou intellectuel))
Nombre de pages
295 pages
Relié sous jaquette
29.0 cm x 26.0 cm x 2.7 cm
1710 g