Pavilions, art in architecture

Pavilions, art in architecture

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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Pavilions / Art in architecture

This book explores the relationships, intersections and collaborations between art and architecture through the « Kunst am Bau » (art in architecture) and the national exhibition pavilions in art biennials.

« Art in architecture » and pavilions represent hybrid situations where both artists and architects are co-authors in the making of space.

Although the communication between them is sometimes a source of conflict, resulting in conventional or merely contractual practices, they share a common ground.

What is their specificity, today ?

The book brings into question the multiple roles played by pavilions and « Kunst am Bau » between artistic and rchitectural interventions, public policies and the exhibition of art and architecture.

This book is based on the proceedings of two symposia organized by the Wallis University of Applied Arts and Sciences (ECAV) in 2012 : Art and Architecture, a Contract ? and Constructions / Identities : Pavilions, Art, Architecture


Contributions issues de deux colloques tenus à l'automne 2012. Elles explorent les rapports et croisements entre art et architecture dans deux situations spécifiques : le Kunst am Bau (l'intégration artistique dans l'architecture) et le pavillon dans le cadre de la Biennale de Venise et des expositions internationales d'art. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
21 juin 2013
Architecture, urbanisme
Robert Ireland (Directeur de publication), Federica Martini (Directeur de publication), Ecole cantonale d'art du Valais (Sierre, Suisse) (Editeur scientifique (ou intellectuel))
Nombre de pages
205 pages
28.0 cm x 22.0 cm x 1.7 cm
880 g